Sunday, October 4, 2009

If computers are 100 times faster than 10 years ago, why are they still so frustrating for the avera

I find that I didn't have enough patience for computers then nor do I now. I am patient with other things.

If computers are 100 times faster than 10 years ago, why are they still so frustrating for the average user?nortin

Try commanding your computer from ten years ago to do the functions you command it to do now. See how slow it is then. The tasks you command your computer to perform gets more and more sophisticated with time. The faster a computer processes, the more tasks we program it with, pushing them to their limits. A computer, regardless of its speed, has a lot more information to process than it did ten years ago, so it balances out and will continue to frustrate you with the more tasks you push upon it. We're constantly cracking the figurative whip on artificial intelligence. The faster a computer goes, the more tasks we command it to do.

If computers are 100 times faster than 10 years ago, why are they still so frustrating for the average user?pc security

moore law states that the processing power of computer chip will double approximately every 18 months. That has been true so far.

However programs become more complex and things you can do with a computer becomes more complex. Compare ms dos with windows xp or worse: windows vista. one was ugly the other is super fancy. However, if the only thing you care is to print that document, both work ok.

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