We have 2 computers, and 2 ps3 connected to one router. For some reason, when all four are running, internet connection is constantly lost. Is this common, if so what are the solutions, or should it even be doing this? Also, it is cable internet, and a lynksys router.
Multiple computers on one router?spyware removal
This is not common. I have one PS2, 3 desktops, and 3 laptops which can all be connected at once without slowdown or disconnects. How old is your router? Is it a b, g or n rating? The PS3 will take the most bandwidth. Maybe an upgrade to a newer router would help. Maybe try a reset of the router to default settings.
Multiple computers on one router?virus protection software
Be sure to check all of your IP addresses for each individual unit connected to your router. If you have dupicate IP's, you can end up with issues which will slow your entire network to a stand-still.
With 2 PS3's playing at the same time you are probably overloading the bandwidth. They are major bandwidth hogs, especially two at the same time.
It should not be a problem. Four computers on a lynksys is fine.
If you are using wireless then it's likely losing it's wireless connection to the router rather than the router losing connection to the Internet. some routers just have bad antenna or transmitters....some manufacturer's have about a 10% rate of failure on those devices.
You'll have to work your way back and test each device to see where the problem is. First eliminate wireless, plug it in. Then eliminate the router by plugging into the cable modem directly. Testing the connection in between each step.
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