Thursday, October 1, 2009

Networked Computers?

I have three computers networked on Clearwire. About 4 days ago they started all the act really slow, slower than dial up! I dont know if it could be the weather but it has been really cloudy for those days. If thats not the case, then can someone give me some help as to why this is happening?

Networked Computers?computer repair

Start with clearing the browser cache and clearing the memory. Also set the history to 0 instead of the current number of days.

You could also have a bad cable either from the modem to the service or from the house service to the service at the main line. If you have ADSL the teleco can remotely check the line, or will send a tech out.

If you have cable have them come out and check the service.

Also poor grounding can degrade the signal. This can allow electicty to feed back thru the line and build up static electicity.

Networked Computers?free antivirus

is it wireless...if it is it could be nieghbors stealing it. if not then try restarting the internet and router or hub (switch) whatever you have for a like aminute or to. Also try the mother computer

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