My computer has had a trojan virus for a while and the only thing i can think of because i know nothing about computers is getting a new tower which i really dont want to have to spend money on..any way to get it off?
Computers!?!?anti virus protection
Instead of that,
1. Antivirus software to remove the virus. Search for google for removal of virus for the virus name you have in your system.
2. If you cant get antivirus or for any reason cannot do the above, simply get the Hard disk formatted instead of buying a new tower. Formatting the hard disk will remove the virus if its not very very harmful virus which attacke\s hard disk boot sectors also.
dude, just reinstall wiindows, cause usually trojans are pretty good at evading virus program and ther is a good chance its already infected your sytem files which are inaccesible by antivirus prgorams.
I agree with skptechnomedia. You should hurry download the antivirus like what skptechnomedia mentioned.
If it's too late and all your files in the computers are badly damaged, I recommend that you format the hard disk.
When i say format, i mean re-install the WINDOWS XP or whatever Windows you have. If you have a recovery CD (usually comes along with the purchase of your computer), that would be easier.
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