Mult-Dimentional Qunatium A.I Optical Tadyon magnetic molecular sphere computers
built in a penta-quark shape or tri-angel pyramid sphere.
As NANOTECH at the level of beyond yocto and tachyons it became possible to find magnetic-light to create new magnetic molecular sphere computers like quantium mechanics and qunatium computers smaller yocto magnetic sphere molecular breach the 7th barrier and reach 7th x- singularity teleprtation intelligence. As more data was in quantum cryptography mode of teleportation in a teleportation computing of infinite magentic field of infinte colors was using a new yocto magnetic sphere molecular computer high-speed for instantanious Molecular computers that are massively matrix computing through having matrix computations performed by infinite signals of instanious information but staying in massive signal matrix overlay cryptography beyond the quantum state so are not detected. Every angel of the zillions of new yocto magnetic sphere molecular where used in computation and total volume angel at the smallest level and the largest beyond yocto was used to pass singnal information of a infinte magnetic field to the quantum ciphers of the samll and large scale to interact and protected it computation and Replicat for growth any signal that would try to interfere with computation would be used as energy along with matter.
many apllications failed until future research we found that it could control it own laws of physics like being a infinte universal being no place it cannot go this breakthrew lead to another. shape shifting massive black holes to get passed the event horizion to balance out energy and growth!
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