Sunday, September 20, 2009

Quantum computers and parallel universes?

If the "many worlds" theory of quantum mechanics is proven to be true, will we be able to use quantum computers to communicate with people in parallel universes?

Quantum computers and parallel universes?download

Currently, there are No evidence that we can convey information across Parallel Universes via quantum entanglement, or any other quantum mechanisms such as a quantum computer.

Quantum computers merely stores data and conduct binary operations using quantum bits within this Universe. The quantum computer is subject to the same laws that creates the "many worlds" of parallel universes. There are no communication going on.

Quantum computers and parallel universes?hijackthis

The theory of quantum mechanics is true (however faulty), and we can do so much more than 'communicate' with parallel universes.

Space-time fluxes are not accounted, i.e., ripple effects in S-T could be catastrophic.

It's not worth it...since the theory is true, some universe out there is going to beat us to the punch and wanna know that they don't have to share.

For example:

(them) x (possibility of transferring energy)^(infinity) = IP to the power of infinity

(us) x (possibility of transferring energy) = UP to the power of one

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