Tuesday, October 6, 2009

2 computers, 2 monitors, 1 person?

I have 2 computers and 2 monitors.. I want to access all harddrives on all PCs.. but I want to use 2 montiors at once for double desktop space.

So I would take one graphics card out of one PC and put it in the second PC.. could I still access the hard drive on the second PC even though it doesn't have a graphics card?

2 computers, 2 monitors, 1 person?liveupdate

Search for a KVM switch

2 computers, 2 monitors, 1 person?nortin

First hook up the 2 PCs usin LAN. Then on the better PC install a graphics card that has 2 display ports(the same type of ports cos some hav got VGA and DVI). Hook up the monitors to the card. Press the power button. Then have a nice time.
I believe unless you have an SLI capable motherboard only one graphics adapter will be active at one time, much like a sound card, I would check on that to make sure but most likey you will need a new graphics card capable of supporting dual monitors...Regardless yes that is possible, but I think the method is really inefficient if all your going to do is access the hard drives on the second computer, personally I think taking the old hard drives out of the old system and putting them into the new system and connecting the 2 montiors to the new system would be a much better option.
What you need is a KVM switch and cable.

What this does is allows you to use both PC's with the one keyboard and mouse.

You will also need a CAT5 crossover cable and either your ethernet ports or NIC's (Network Interface Cards) in both computers. assign sharing on both PC's
You can't run windows on 2 monitors with two video cards. You need video cards that are designed for running 2 monitors. There are a bunch of these and they have been around for a long time.

As far as seeing the harddrives on the computer without a monitor, you can use windows remote desktop to control the second pc. VNC is another option.
why would you want to do that...why not just network both pcs and use a splitter on the video

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