Thursday, October 1, 2009

2 computers in 1 house?

ok so im thinking about saving up and buying a laptop or desktop for my room upstairs. can you hook up two computers to cable internet? how would you run something like that upstairs and through a house?

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First of all you will need a router. There are many available to chose from. The easiest way will be to go with a wireless router. That way you don't have to worry about running wires to an upstairs room. The downside is that it is half the speed as being wired. Wired speed is 100mb\sec and wireless is 54mb\sec. The other bad side about wireless is obstructions such as walls,doors,etc that the signal will have to pass through. Again the benefit is that you don't have the hassle of running the wires and are not limited to that one room on your laptop. If it is going to be a desktop then it might be worth the hassle to get a cable run although passing through a few floors can be a little difficult.

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You sure can. Just use a router.
Get a router, you can go wireless but wireless sucks.

Get industrious and run ethernet thru your walls to everyroom, and add wall plates.
yes, you can. you would need a router. and a wireless adapter for your desktop. your laptop should will have a wireless card in it.
You should buy a device call a router to share your network connection for several computers. There are wireless routers which allows you to connect multiple computers to the network using a wireless network card which would mean you can use your computer throughout the hosue without any cables. Linksys, Belkin, D-Link are some makers our wirelss routers.
Yes you can. You'll need to buy a Router. If you would perfer to have wireless then buy a wireless Router. They'll have the wired as well. For every computer that you want to have connected via wireless then you want to have a wireless network card which is available for both laptops and desktops. Laptops sold these days have wireless built in.
yes you can, get a linksys wireless router, plug desktop pc directly into router, follow instructions for setting up the wireless connection to your notebook
Just get a wireless router for the laptop !!(yes you can run two computers on cable Internet)
mt house has a wireless router. it has the internet conected straight to a computer in the basement and the upstairs computer is wireless with a signal finder. im not very good at this computer stuff, but when you buy the computer just ask someone at the store for help on what else to get so it would be possible.
wireless router.
As easy as setting up a router. Then you can "network" the computers, external drives, and printers, on top of sharing the internet connection. Depending on your home set up, you'll need a router that will have a signal strong enough to allow you to connect all over the house.
Okay, simply put, you have to buy a router. It can be a lixus or netgear, doesn't matter, as long as it has multiple jacks. You can buy lan cable(cat 5) or use a wireless internet receptor. Just follow the instructions that come with the box. If you still need help, the best people to call would be your internet provider, not the support people from the router cause they know nothing about internet(coming form personal experience)
You can hook as many computers as you want to your cable Internet. You'll need a router/firewall, a self-contained piece of hardware that your cable connection plugs into. This router hands out addresses to computers in your home so one connection can be shared by multiple computers. As an added bonus, almost all routers also contain security measures that create what's known as a "firewall" or hardware barrier to your internal network.

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