Sunday, October 4, 2009

Can I connect 2 computers to transfer stuff?


This seems like a really stupid question ^^;

I know you can build LANs and such but I was wondering if you could simply connect 2 computers with a USB cable or something to send stuff from one computer to the other?

Thanks in advance =)

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yes if u have a double male usb cable or a crossover ethernet cable ...

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You can do this two ways. The easiest way is to use a router and just connect each computer to the router via an Ethernet cable. The router will take care of providing an IP address for each machine,and you will then be able to share files from one to the other.

Without a router you can make use of an Ethernet "crossover" cable, this is a special Ethernet cable that has the transmit pins on one end connected to the receive pins on the other end.

If you do use a crossover cable (if you're handy with a crimper you can even make your own) you will need to define static IP addresses in each computer. You could use the following:

Computer A:

IP Address:

Subnet Mask:

Default Gateway

Computer B:

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