where to buy computers books?
what PC magazines, computers books r useful?
Where can i learn computers?anti virus scan
You can get A+ Cert Book to read from Library first. If you like it, you can buy it from Funan IT Computer Book Store.
Where can i learn computers?ariel
You can also go to Barns %26 Nobel to buy books. If you think you are going to be buying a lot of books, it might make sense to become a member to get their discount. I have a membership there and I use it to buy Music CDs and Movie DVDs there too.
anything with suse linux or novell linux are helpful... tehehe
most pc stores carry books on how to for the pc, frys has books, comp usa etc.
if there is net in ur home just search in google or yahoo by typing any keywords what u want ,there are many sites.
u did not specify what exactly u want 2 learn.
in general there are some good books of pearson publications.
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