Sometime on the morning of 2007 March 11, according to a new law passed recently, Daylight Saving Time will occur. This is different from in past years, and computers may not be ready for the change; they may assume that we are still on Standard Time, causing problems to occur.
Will computers crash on 2007 March 11?spyware
That in itself will not cause any COMPUTER to crash.
An APPLICATION, that uses the computer clock could be a different matter. If data "enters" the application after that time and the NEW time is used to associate the data, there will be a mixture of old and new times in the application. That could certainly cause trouble for something like an air traffic control system for example. Hopefully the technical people associated with these systems are aware of this NOW and taking the steps needed.
I'm really not worried, supposedly there were going to be all theses problems on 1/1/2000.....and we were ready.
Will computers crash on 2007 March 11?virus scan
Won't cause a crash. May cause your computer clock to be off by an hour for awhile.
if you are talking about in australia's new Datelight saving time, no. microsoft has an update up now to allow for this.
Studies show that over 83% of computers crash on February 30th. Me and some friends had that problem but it is not too hard to fix the problem.
nope. my computer survived y2k and will be ok on 3/11/2007 too :D
I don't imagine many computers will crash. However, I do expect some unpatched computers will have the wrong time, and this will skew some data reporting in unexpected ways.
I doubt it.
This same problem was queried about computers crashing at the new year of 1999- 2000 due to them not being programmed for the date rolling back to 000. Some did and some did not. You shouldn't have a problem as long as your pc is set for the proper time zone and for standard daylight time. Your computer should be programmed to handle the time change. If not then just put a little oil on your abacus and it will be fine.
really? march 11? where you get this info post a link dude... i didnt know
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