Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Would it be bad to take Foundations of Computer Science with little knowledge of computers?

I mean, I'm pretty good with computers and all, but I don't know a whole lot about how they work and whatnot. I'm thinking about changing my major to Computer Science...and so the first class I'd need to take is Foundations of Computer Science. Do they teach you the basics in that class? Or will I be LOST? Thanks.

Would it be bad to take Foundations of Computer Science with little knowledge of computers?free spyware

I agree - with a name like "Foundations", it's probably an entry-level course; however, you should check the course description to see if it has a pre-requisite (the course you have to take first)

Would it be bad to take Foundations of Computer Science with little knowledge of computers?live update

Being that it has the word "Foundations" in the title, I would assume it does. Don't worry; a lot of people go into the technology departments with little knowledge of mechanics or computers. They will properly prepare you. Try consulting the class description page in your school's handbook for a better description of the class.
Usually foundations classes are just that, teaching you the underlying basics of a subject. The information lays the foundation for what is to follow. You should be fine!

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