Would anyone know of a good career choice in computers? I'm almost to the end of my Sophomore year of High School, and I know that working with computers is something I want to do. I'm a pretty fast learner.
If it's possible, could you state how fun the job was/is (if you've worked in that field before) and the pay.
I want a job that will start at around $60,000+/year. I also am going to college.
A good career with computers?liveupdate
I doesn't matter what catagory your at on answers some people are just willing to help you!! Computer Programmers make a lot of money, computer technicians, IT professionals etc. google these job positions and check out how much they pay by googling it by typing salaries or wages. Since your going to be fresh out of high school I suggest you do your research and find the right college for you. Good luck in your future.
A good career with computers?nortin
no job you choose will guarrantee you instant money. Don't pick a career just because of money either.
take a year or two off from school and explore your world. many kids go to college and waste a lot of money not knowing why they are in school for. If you think you have to go to a 4 year university to earn 60K a year, you've been brainwashed into thinking college is the only way to go.
i know a lot of entrepenuers that either didn't go to college, got a 2 year degree at a communit college, and/or trade school
i agree! A good friend of mine is a hair cutter and makes more than nurses or engineers.
i know somebody that got an engineering degree and is still paying of his student loans and is in debt. my hair cutter didn't go to university and gets up to +100$/hour for hair coloring, cutting, and stuff
your on the wrong site this is not jobsearch lol
Get a degree in computer engineering and then go for mainframe computer courses. You have to go a long way and learn hard. It is no fun, but serious and painstaking.
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