Sure we've got computers to solve billions of our tasks but have social networking, communicating with people over the internet complicated our niche-bound lives?
Have computers and the internet simplified or complicated our lives?free spyware
Previously, in the "good old days", people's socialising was face-to-face. Now, we have chatting, forums, blogs, and what not. But that's just the Internet.Computers by themselves are very useful-and so is the internet.
I would say, they have simplified our PROFESSIONAL lives but complicated our PERSONAL lives.
You savvy?
Have computers and the internet simplified or complicated our lives?live update
I suspect that computers have done bit of both. When I need to know something now, I don't (usually) have to go to a library - I just look it up online, unless I need some in-depth research, and sometimes even THAT is available. I don't have to keep up with a copy of the Yellow pages any more; I don't need a copy of TV guide, or an address book with my friends and family's names in it lying around; it's all in one handy-dandy package - my computer!
That being said - I think that it also offers some new complications in our lives. Obviously, there is the necessity to hvae a connection to the internet; to protect our computers from hackers and similar cretins, to be careful of what our young children see online, and to protect our personal information and even physical safety in a way that was unheard of 50 years ago.
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