Thursday, October 1, 2009

Networking computers..?

we have two wired computers and one wireless laptop conected to a bt home hub. they can all use the internet and used to network fine, but now they will not reconise each other so we can't sharedocuments or printers. it is really annoying now and we have tried everything we can think of,,anyone got any ideas??

Networking computers..?free spyware remover

its your firewall,you need to configue your firewall on both pc's to allow file sharing!

Networking computers..?ktm

use one of the computers command prompt to ''ping'' the other it will help you verify their status
You need to get access to Administrator account before you do anything!!!
Make sure the name of the work group is the same on all computers. make sure each computer has it's own name. Go to network places and click add a network place - make sure all computers are on - the network places disappear when the computers are off. Mine disappear when it goes on standby! (I must fix that!) Right click on My network places and properties and tick all the boxes for printer file sharing and IP etc on all the computers. Make sure all the computers have a different private IP. The router should be and the first computer and so on - access the router using your browser - and check out the menus and see if everything looks right there. If that doesn't work - call BT and ask them to fix it or tell them you intend to change to Talktalk when your contract ends - that will shift them! lol

This answer was supplied by a member of the tiny but effective Talktalk webmaster group! More members welcome.
Are they all members of the same "workgroup"?

Is some stuff set as "Shared"?
Make shure your computers are not set up as part of a domain (which requires a server).

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