Thursday, November 5, 2009

I have two computers.. I want both the computer to access the same information through Microsoft Out

Ok I have two computers with two Microsoft Outlook software on both of them. but what I want to do is to have both of them to have the same data.

I have two computers.. I want both the computer to access the same information through Microsoft Outlook?free spyware remobal

If you have a network drive you can keep the outlook.pst file on that drive. Move the copy in the c:\documents and profiles\"your user name"\local settings\applications data\microsoft\outlook to your network drive. Then bring up outlook again and point to the network drive and the .pst file you moved to that drive.

I have two computers.. I want both the computer to access the same information through Microsoft Outlook?kawasaki

You can also check the "Leave a copy on the server" box in the account settings and that will get the messages to both, but it won't sync things like calendars and contacts. This tool does. I do not know of a free one that works.

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